Reasons to Date a Pisces Man
Pisces is the twelfth sign of the zodiac and is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. Men born under the sign of Pisces are usually very romantic, supportive and compassionate. Their charm is irresistible, but on the other side they can be extremely complex and mysterious. Intelligence is one of the best Pisces characteristics, therefore Pisces men are more intelligent than men born under the other zodiac signs. Here are a couple of more interesting reasons why you should date a Pisces man!
– Pisces men are often very romantic and sensitive. They sympathize with women, but tend to be big dreamers, so sometimes they need a woman to wake them up. The Pisces man needs a woman who can dominate, but subtly.
– Pisces men are extremely devoted and loyal in everything they do, especially in relationships, so they expect the same from their partners.
– Men born under the sign of Pisces are real friends, who will do everything they can to help their friends, if they are in trouble.
– They can’t get angry easily, because they have the patience to deal with any situation in life. This is the characteristic that makes them favorites among women.
– In addition to being smart, they are very imaginative. They appreciate all kinds of art and are prone to day dreaming. Pisces men are often artistic and romantic, so when they are in a relationship, they love to pleasantly surprise their partners.
– Pisces men hate when people lie to them. They are very honest and realistic, and are attracted by simple and intellectual women.
– Pisces men are very sensitive, intuitive and able to see both sides of every argument, so their temperament can be violent sometimes. They are able to forgive a lot of things, except humiliation and ridicule of their dreams.
– The Pisces man is gentle, unobtrusive lover, who never lacks female companionship or romantic affairs. But what he really needs is someone on whom he can rely on, someone who will always be willing to encourage him and support his creativity, and most importantly give him emotional security for which he longs.
– The Pisces man is passionate, emotional and unstable, so with him you can expect the unexpected.
– Men born under the sign of Pisces are warm-hearted and full of understanding. They don’t see people as they are, but as they want them to be. They are mostly attracted to sensual women, especially if they have the ambition to dominate.
– They are attracted by changes and excitement, but they long only for emotional stability. A man born under this sign is a dreamer who dreams only of impossible dreams. Love has to be not just romantic, but it must also mean home, satisfaction and safety.
– The Pisces man is a spendthrift, who doesn’t think about tomorrow, so he will always shower his partner with expensive gifts.