Reasons To Use A Trommel Screen

If you have been involved in the construction or mining industry, then you know what a trommel screen is. For those who don’t know, the trommel screen is a cylindrical screening machinery that has an important role in the mining and mineral processing industry. Often, the trommel screen is compared to the vibrating screen, neglecting the fact that it is more powerful and more productive machine than the vibrating screen. The trommel screens are extensively used in the mining industry, and they come in many different sizes, depending on the mining operation. To suit different application requirements, there is a wide range of trommel screens on the market, designed in different sizes and with different capabilities. However, all trommels have one thing in common, and that’s the main component – the trommel (drum). If you are a first-time buyer of trommel screen, you certainly don’t know the benefits that can be gained by using such machine. The main reasons why you need to consider buying a trommel screen are the following ones: 


  • The trommel screen works by using the simplest method of separating and screening materials, and it is one of the most efficient screening machines that can be found on the market.
  • For heavy-duty operations, a trommel screen with a perforated plate screen is definitely the machine you need. This strong steel structure with holes on the plate is capable to withstand heavy impacts from heavy objects.
  • The trommel screen is known as the fastest screening machine. As the materials go through the drum, they are quickly and efficiently processed. 
  • Unlike other screening machines, the performance of the trommel screen varies drastically, depending on the material that needs to be processed. However, with little research you can find a trommel with the right capabilities for your specific application.
  • A standard trommel screen is not very expensive, and has low operating costs as well.
  • If you work with different materials, you can use a trommel screen with two conveyors: one for heavy materials and one for fine materials. But if you are trying to cut down the costs, this trommel screen is not recommended for you.