Ensure a Great Night’s Sleep with the Right Type of King Size Mattress
Whether you have a good or a bad day, feel tired or full of energy when you wake up, it all depends on the fact whether you had a quality good night’s sleep. While sleeping, your body heals and repairs your heart and blood vessels and for that reason, you should get the best king size mattress and ensure you get that quality sleep. Below we will go through the types of king size mattresses that are most suitable for you and are currently available on the market.
There are four types to choose from – memory foam, latex, open coil and pocket sprung. Every manufacturer usually makes more than one type as the greater the varieties – the bigger the sales. And not just that, every type has a different cost, some are cheaper to make than the others. While a lot of people make their purchasing decision based on the price, the price is not all you need to consider.
Pocket sprung mattress
The most popular type of king size mattresses is the pocket sprung type. It doesn’t mould and shape the same way as the memory foam type, however, that does not mean it offers less comfort and support. If you have problems with the heat your mattress gives off while sleeping, the poket sprung is the ideal choice to keep you cool while sleeping.
Memory Foam Mattress
These are made with a layer of temperature-sensitive material that is also known as memory foam. They are usually more expensive, however, they are the perfect choice if you have back problems because they shape according to your body and do not put pressure on you while sleeping. Today there are manufacturers that offer this type for less than $400, which is a great deal. These deals are usually found online and are offered in a bundle.
Continuous Coil Mattress
If you want to invest in a good mattress at an affordable price then the continuous coil mattress is the perfect choice for you. It is made from a single looped wire or from springs that are fixed together by wires. However, there are a couple of downsides to this type. For example, you’re going to feel every move of your partner while sleeping on the same bed which may disturb you in your sleep. The same can be said for the springs, they wear out as time goes by and you will need to change your mattress sooner than you’d need to change those from the other types.
Latex Mattress
Made from a couple of layers of latex, these mattresses are pretty expensive. However, their makers claim that they are of highest quality and they keep their shape for a longer period of time. These beds can be combined with foam, which offers a great deal of flexibility.